Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Recomposit v1.9

Recomposit is a photo masking and compositing tool which precisely isolates image object from its background and merges it with others. The advanced masking methods: Bluescreen also called chroma key technology and inside/Outside edge will keep any details, hair,

edge, shadow and transparency after they are recomposed. Recomposit also provides full environment to further compositing work without any support from other softwares. In extended edition, Recomposit supports Photoshop as its plugins.

Quick mask and recompose a photo with transparency keeped.
A photo masking and compositing tool which precisely isolates image object from its background with hair, edge,

transparency precisely keeped.

The bluescreen matting tech. is invented for requirements of real-time matting, which is used in making movie and TV broadcast.

The chroma key means separating the foreground subject with background by their difference in hue(chroma) channel. The photographer takes the photo with a specified background in constant color, normally, blue or green. The computer can know where is background and where is foreground, then separates them in realtime, automatically.
The inside/outside matting can be applied on most photos.

The inside edge of object means a selection which is inside the object and close to its real edge.

And the outside edge means a selection which cover all pixels of the object and close to its edge. The area between inside and outside is the edge of the object and the semitransparent part.

The programe will calculate the real mask by user specified inside/outside edge.
As we know, so far Recomposit has been the only one in world which combine two advanced matting methods together.
